Junior high girls explore careers in manufacturing

Middle school student with welding hood on her head


The day included breakout sessions where students participated in virtual welding, supply chain management, making keychains on a CNC machine, 和 production line flow. The students enjoyed lunch from The Little Brown Box Delicatessen (一家女性拥有的企业)以及与在制造业产生影响的女性进行的小组讨论.

Thank you to event sponsors 约翰迪尔, 加尔瓦市, 斯普林菲尔德军械库McLaughlin Body Company 以及小组成员吉尔Castree, 蕾妮·朱厄尔, 莎拉瑞安, 贝丝Takemoto和乔迪•齐默尔曼.

Presenter biographies


Jill是三菱物流美国分公司供应链管理高级经理. 她获得伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校理学学士学位,主修供应链管理和市场营销双学位. 在大学期间, 她被选中在约翰迪尔公司实习,在渥太华做供应链管理, IA, 位置. 毕业后,吉尔在约翰迪尔滑铁卢工厂的供应链部门工作. In 2014, Jill moved to Texas 和 started working for Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas, third largest forklift manufacturer in the world by revenue. Headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, Mitsubishi offered Jill an opportunity for growth. 她从商品经理做起,后来晋升为高级商品经理, purchasing manager 和 now, senior manager of supply chain management. Over the past nine years, Jill has enjoyed the opportunities 和 challenges of working at a large, 全球公司. Her team manages $700 million-plus in spend, sources for five production lines with global suppliers, 和 negotiates contracts 和 cost savings with those suppliers. Jill还在领导一个转型软件实现,以提高效率, mitigate supply chain 和 informational security risk, 和 take supplier collaboration to a new level. 吉尔住在四城,并继续频繁地往返于三菱在马伦戈(芝加哥附近)的工厂。, 休斯顿和日本.


Renee began her career at 约翰迪尔 in 2006 in 物料流 at Davenport Works. 在担任Dubuque Works模块负责人之前,她曾担任供应管理方面的各种职务. Renee随后加入了播种和耕作组织,在那里她担任了越来越重要的角色-空中播种的全球产品线经理, supply management manager for planters, 物料流, production planning 和 control manager, 和 the business unit leader for planter assembly, FPV和航运. 随后,她晋升为Harvester Works的业务部门负责人,负责钣金加工和服务部件. 2019年,Renee重新加入建筑和林业,成为全球订单履行流程的领导者. From there, Renee led strategic sourcing globally for the steel commodity. 随后,她晋升为第四区物流经理,在那里她和她的团队负责美国所有的进出境运输.S., Mexico 和 Canada, global packaging 和 warehouse competency. Currently she is the materials manager at Harvester. In this role she is responsible for managing the procurement, 物料流 execution, inbound/outbound logistics, warehousing operations, inventory control 和 order fulfillment functions for the Harvester factory. Renee在普渡大学(Purdue University)获得工商管理学士学位,在St. 安布罗斯大学.


Sara在McLaughlin Body Company工作了大约20年,担任过许多职位,包括工业工程师, manufacturing engineer, 客户经理, 人力资源经理和劳资关系/环境健康和安全经理. Last year she shed the HR portion 和 is just focusing on the EHS portion. 目前,她是EHS经理,负责McLaughlin的所有安全和环境事务, 安全培训, 安全执行, 环保局报告, 废水, 废物处理, stormwater 和 air emissions. 她拥有the University of Iowa的工业工程学士学位, a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Rockhurst College, 和 got halfway through an MBA at the University of Missouri.


Beth在约翰迪尔拥有17年的制造、质量和运营经验. She started her career in Ottumwa in 2005 working as 物料流 engineer,n manufacturing engineer, 和 finally a team leader. In 2012, 她在约翰迪尔公司担任能力项目经理,在美国实施生产主管领导力培训.S.美国、巴西和中国. In 2014, 她在收割机工厂的设计中心担任了一个新的产品工程主管的角色,带来了新的联合收割机项目. 后,, she moved to Hagie Manufacturing, a joint venture with Deere, 成为质量和制造经理,实施关键质量流程,显著降低每台机器的失败率. 在担任达文波特工厂的质量和制造流程经理之前,她先后担任收割机联合收割机前端设备业务部门负责人. She is very proud of her leadership in the diversity, 目前是able的联合主席, 这是一个以能力不同的员工为中心的员工资源小组,也是迪尔制造业女性小组的积极成员. Beth毕业于爱荷华州立大学,获得工业工程学士学位,并获得爱荷华大学Tippie Program的电子工商管理硕士学位.


乔迪是约翰迪尔达文波特工厂的团队领导,负责监督机加工部门. 她在制造业的第一份工作是在约翰迪尔实习,当时她正在完成伊利诺伊大学机械工程学士学位. 她是一名制造工程实习生,在大型拖拉机上工作,她热爱自己的工作. The factory was fast paced, 精力充沛的, 让她有机会每天与人互动,同时还能运用她的工程技能. 从那以后,她在四家不同的工厂工作过,作为一名女性,她在工作场所一直感到受到重视和尊重. Jodi believes that quick thinking, 强大的沟通技巧和良好的决策能力使任何人都能在制造业中取得成功,无论性别!

Thanks to Cambridge Junior/Senior High School, 约翰迪尔 Middle School (Moline), 内彭塞特小学和威尔逊中学(莫林)将他们的学生带到山顶.

View photos from the event on 脸谱网.


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